Thursday 7 August 2008


I have been very lazy with blogging. Again.

This time though I have a proper excuse.

I spent a few days in hospital following an operation. Suffice to say it was concerning 'lady-parts' and it's just as well my baby-bearing days are over!

It has left me feeling a bit feeble which has resulted in a complete lack of blogger enthusiasm.

My blood pressure is always on the low side but whilst in hospital it was stupidly low along with my iron levels......medication was prescribed but I'm not sure it's doing the trick as I'm still bloody shattered! I did apparently lose rather alot of blood during the op but not quite enough to warrant a transfusion. Phew! My blood is always a bit of a pain in the arse as I have an unusual blood group and rhesus factor along with the presence of antibodies just to liven things up a bit!

Attention seeker!:)

On the up-side...........

I had a lovely rest whilst in hospital. All required sustenance was brought to my bedside and I managed to finish a book I'd been trying to get into for ages.

I didn't even have to get up for a wee thanks to an attached wee-bag which was duly emptied on a regular basis by lovely attentive, friendly N.H.S. nurses.

It made feeling so feeble, being attached to several medical contraptions and having needles stuck into me at alarmingly regular intervals, more bearable.

Loads of thanks and admiration to all the N.H.S. staff involved during my care. I can't fault them.

On the down-side...........

All my visitors saw my wee-bag.

Apart from Sally and co. who thankfully came after I'd been 'disconnected' so to speak.

Oh yes...and I'm not to drive for four to six weeks. Inconvenient!

Anyhow, now I'm back home having to listen to the kids bitching with eachother all day and moaning at me for not being able to take them out.

There is something that kind of makes up for it all though.....................

I have a list of things in my after care notes that I'm not to do, which include

No lifting.

No vacuuming.

No ironing.

RESULT!!!!!! :)