Friday 2 November 2007

Friday confessional

Domino the-cute-kitten

Domino the-stupid-cat

I know. I've been lazy with blogging lately.

Now and again I've checked my emails to see if I have any new comments to publish. I've also sent an email or two . That's it.

Not a very attentive blog friend and for that I apologise but it's not for the first time and it won't be the last.

You see, although I have five kids ranging in ages from one to nearly eighteen years old, I am fundamentally lazy.

I do what I have to do but don't tend to do more.

More than I have to.

Or rather, more than I feel I should.

I get up every morning between 5.30 and 6am.
I get my 7,3 and 1 year old up, washed, nappy changed (Carter), dressed, breakfasted, teeth brushed, hair brushed and plaited/tied into pig-tails (not Carter!), ship them off to school/playgroup, do daily washing, cleaning and cooking, shopping, ferry Izzy to gym and swimming lessons then home two evenings a week, help with homework, sew badges on to leotards and swimsuits when needed, part-time taxi driver for 16 year old son and 17 year old daughter, tend to pets needs,ie; vet visits, hutch cleaning etc, search for and return about 20 library books fortnightly, keep track of family birthdays/anniversaries/visits etc (both sides), fullfill playgroup session and committee duties, read bedtime stories.....and ALWAYS manage to slap a bit of makeup on before leaving the house (vanity will out!!!) everyday.


I don't invite my kids friends to play/tea on a regular basis, spend hours sitting with my youngest two armed with flashcards and other educational aids, bake cakes (except for birthdays and christmas), attend evening classes (gave the gym up ages ago), do ANY housework once three youngest kids are in bed or keep up with everyone's blogs and comment daily..............

I clean my skirting boards about once a year (not weekly like my Mum!), I NEVER invite anyone round after 6pm.......really can't be bothered, and I only dust when you can write your name in it.

Sometimes I feel huge guilt (for about 30 seconds) when Izzy's at school, Eliza's at playgroup, Carter is bimbling around playing with his toys and I sit, drink coffee, eat biscuits and watch morning tv.for an hour or so.

This is my second favourite time of day.

After bedtime which is my first favourite.

I could be battling with my Big Ironing Monster, dusting very dusty bookshelves or cleaning sticky-finger-marked doors/walls/tv. screens, applying 'Vanish' to various stains on chairs, sofas and carpets around the house, cleaning equally sticky-finger-marked windows or indeed washing skirting-boards but...............


A jug of italian filter coffee, a packet of chocolate digestives and a bit of Phil and Fern wins every time!!!!!

A HUGE THANKYOU! To Sally, for rescuing Domino-the-stupid-cat on Monday night! X