Monday 3 November 2008

Short straw!

It's dank. It's dull. It's England in November and it's cold.
I don't like cold.
I should live somewhere hot where jumpers and cosy socks aren't necessary. Somewhere I can sit outside in the evening when all the kids are in bed, wearing a t-shirt and flip-flops.
Not just a t-shirt and flip-flops of course. That would be scary. Just not a coat, hat, scarf and gloves......with tissues and chapstick at the ready.
The crisp, frosty mornings are ok but as soon as drizzle arrives on the scene I get cross.
The point is I'm a bit grumpy at the moment (hence all the moaning) because Kev's off to Canada on Saturday and I'm jealous. So I'm showing off a bit.
Ok it's work but that's not the point.
If he's leaving the country for a week to stay in some posh hotel in my book that's a holiday.
Kev will be in Toronto with interesting grown-ups.
I will be in England with the kids and the drizzle. Yeah ok, Canada will be cold too but I bet Canadian drizzle is much nicer than the English kind.
Still, on the positive side, our three youngest were used for the advertising which is being used to promote the product which they (Kev and his business partner) are taking to Canada. Which is nice because of course my children are indeed the loveliest, most photogenic little people in the world (I'm not joking) and it's nice to see them on 3 metre high pop-up stands helping in their Dad's quest to turn us into the family of a self-made millionaire! :)
It's good to have a dream.

Oh no......panic stations.....the estate agent has just 'phoned to ask if people can view the house tomorrow morning and I'm out straight from the school drop-off so now I have to do the pre-viewing tidy-up.
Check Jake hasn't left dirty boxers or lads-mags scattered around his room, Carter hasn't added anymore graffiti to our already rather large gallery or posted toy cars into any available crevice, Eliza has remembered to put her dirty washing in the basket rather than under her bed and Izzy hasn't left several arty/crafty half finished creations all over her bedroom floor.
Oh and move all the recycling containers from outside the door to the garage! (very admirable that we recycle most of our rubbish but it does make the place look like the local tip!)

Fingers crossed we actually get a proceedable buyer this time. I live in hope!